Create a Fax.Plus Account

Fax.Plus API is available for enterprise plan only
Please sign up on the Fax.Plus Platform to get started.


Get Your API Key

Please visit the Integrations page to get your API key.


Upload a file

To send a fax, you need to upload a file to the Fax.Plus server. The file can be in PDF, TIFF, Word, Excel, RTF or image format.

const axios = require('axios');
const fs = require('fs')
const FilesApiFp = require('@alohi/faxplus-api').FilesApiFp;
const Configuration = require('@alohi/faxplus-api').Configuration;

const config = new Configuration({
    accessToken: accessToken,
    basePath: 'https://restapi.fax.plus/v3',
    // Header required only when using the OAuth2 token scheme
    baseOptions: {
        headers: {
          "x-fax-clientid": clientId,

async function uploadFile() {
    const reqParams = {
        "format": 'tiff',
        "userId": '13d8z73c',
        "faxFile": fs.createReadStream(FILE_PATH)
    const req = await FilesApiFp(config).uploadFile(reqParams);
    const resp = await req(axios);


Once the file is uploaded, you will receive a path in the response. You will need this path to send a fax.

  "path": "/storage/2937237320213-213-21323"

Send a fax

To send a fax, you need to provide the recipient’s fax number and the file path you received in the previous step.

const axios = require('axios');
const OutboxApiFp = require('@alohi/faxplus-api').OutboxApiFp;
const Configuration = require('@alohi/faxplus-api').Configuration;

const config = new Configuration({
    accessToken: accessToken,
    basePath: 'https://restapi.fax.plus/v3',
    // Header required only when using the OAuth2 token scheme
    baseOptions: {
        headers: {
        "x-fax-clientid": clientId,

async function sendFax() {
    const reqParams = {
        "userId": '13d8z73c',
        "payloadOutbox": {
            "comment": {
                "tags": [
                "text": "text comment"
            "files": [
            "from": "+12345667",
            "options": {
                "enhancement": true,
                "retry": {
                    "count": 2,
                    "delay": 15
            "send_time": "2000-01-01 01:02:03 +0000",
            "to": [
            "return_ids": true
    const req = await OutboxApiFp(config).sendFax(reqParams);
    const resp = await req(axios);


On success, the API will return a response with return a list of fax IDs. Each fax ID represents a fax that was sent to a recipient.

  "ids": {
    "+1234567890": "1a2b3c4d5e6f7890",
    "+1345678912": "78901a2b3c4d5e6f"

Go further

  • Get notified when the fax status changes with webhooks